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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-21729

Test OpenShiftProjectCacheTest.testConnectionChanged() fails


      0. Connection is preset with one project.
      1. Test fires project added. OpenShiftProjectCache processes that correctly.
      2. Test requests cache.getProjectsFor(conn) - it correctly returns list with the project, but that will happen even if step 1 fails because of loading inside cache.getProjectsFor(conn) the project preset in step 0.
      3. Test fires removal of project from connection. OpenShiftProjectCache processes that correctly.
      4. Test requests cache.getProjectsFor(conn) - it incorrectly returns list with the project, though not because of step 3 failure, but by the same reason as in step 2.

      Solution 1: for this test connection should return empty list of projects.
      Solution 2: start with connection that has 2 projects, and before firing events call cache.getProjectsFor(conn) - that will provide the initial loading projects into cache.

            scabanovich Viacheslav Kabanovich (Inactive)
            scabanovich Viacheslav Kabanovich (Inactive)
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