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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-21676

Deploying of a docker image does not work


      When I am creating a new OpenShift application from a docker image via command line, it works if used docker image is pushed to docker hub. In IDE, when I am trying to deploy a docker image, I can look up an image in wizard for deploying of docker image, but when application is created and even bug of missing pod JBIDE-21626 is workarounded by triggering manual deployment, it is not successfully running.

      Even when I checked and compared image streams and other resources of application created via oc binary and application created from tooling, it was almost the same (there were some small differences)

      In deployment pod is following log (XXX is substituted in places of image occurrences):

      I0212 04:49:05.693445       1 deployer.go:196] Deploying XXX for the first time (replicas: 1)
      I0212 04:49:05.697173       1 recreate.go:105] Scaling XXX to 1 before performing acceptance check
      I0212 04:49:07.725117       1 recreate.go:110] Performing acceptance check of XXX
      I0212 04:49:07.725211       1 lifecycle.go:379] Waiting 600 seconds for pods owned by deployment "XXX" to become ready (checking every 1 seconds; 0 pods previously accepted)

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            mlabuda_jira Marián Labuda (Inactive)
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