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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-21417

Application wizard: new project created via "Manage Project" link dont show up in explorer


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      1. EXEC: launch application wizard
      2. ASSERT: v3 application wizard shows up
      3. EXEC: click "Manage Projects" link
      4. ASSERT: projects wizard shows up
      5. EXEC: hit "New...", create a new project and get back to the application wizard
      6. EXEC: either "Cancel" in the application wizard or create an application to get back to the workbench window
      7. EXEC: verify in OpenShift Explorer/your connection if the new project is shown

      The new project is not listed, it only does once you refreshed the connection

      EXEC: launch application wizard ASSERT: v3 application wizard shows up EXEC: click "Manage Projects" link ASSERT: projects wizard shows up EXEC: hit "New...", create a new project and get back to the application wizard EXEC: either "Cancel" in the application wizard or create an application to get back to the workbench window EXEC: verify in OpenShift Explorer/your connection if the new project is shown Result: The new project is not listed, it only does once you refreshed the connection
    • Workaround Exists
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      refresh your connection in OpenShift Explorer

      refresh your connection in OpenShift Explorer
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          jcantril@redhat.com Jeffrey Cantrill
          adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
          0 Vote for this issue
          3 Start watching this issue
