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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-21283

Update Central to Spring IDE 3.7.3 release when available (replaces CI build)


    • devex #114 May 2016
    • 3

      martinlippert said:

      Sorry for the inconvenience regarding the weaving hook versions, the AJDT build uses a specific self-built version of that instead of the one that is included in the Mars and Neon repos. However, this will change in the near future. We are switching to a new build and had to made a few additional changes (as a heads-up):
      org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.aspectj(.source) will be moved to the AJDT project, therefore no longer in Neon (from M5 on, I think)
      org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.sdk(.feature.group) will be moved to the AJDT project as well, also no longer in the Neon repo (from M5 on as well)
      Both will have higher version numbers and being distributed as part of the AJDT build (instead of Equinox).
      I think this will affect the AJDT versions for Eclipse 4.5 + 4.6, so you might come across a similar situation with the Mars repositories (two different versions of the weaving.sdk feature, two different versions of the weaving.hook bundle).

      Then nivologd@gmail.com said:

      Didn't test it, but it seems good to be applied and get Spring IDE back to Central. But it is a nightly build, isn't it? We should remember to update it to released version at some point. Could you create issue for that?

      So here's that tracker issue, to ensure we get a working SpringIDE 3.7.3 for Neon once it's released, along with a working version of AJDT. May require TWO mirrors instead of one, as we used to have for Mars.

            nickboldt Nick Boldt
            nickboldt Nick Boldt
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