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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-20513

tricky to login to openshift when token expires


      I logged in with token.
      24hrs later I start eclipse and expand the connection in explorer
      expecting to just login.

      Here is what happens instead:

      a) info message (not error) is logged to error log hiding the explorer view
      b) after some seconds (seems there is a timeout) a login dialog comes up saying I need to sign in (no clear info that auth failed or token missing etc.).
      cancel the dialog since I'm trying to figure out what happened.
      c) Now the explorer just shows "You must obtain API token by visiting ..." as child and I cannot see straightforward way to log in again.

      Turns out Refresh does trigger login again.

      meanwhile command line 'oc' seem to be fine at logging in with token older than 24 hrs...can't verify that though, but in any case:

      a) do a user really need to re-login every 24 hours ?
      b) the error handling/dialogs shown are not very informative

            Unassigned Unassigned
            manderse@redhat.com Max Andersen
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