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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-20487

OpenShift Explorer: provide a way to show resource properties


    • 17-Aug >> 30-Aug 2015-JBDS/J 3
    • OpenShift 3 Connections and Resources now display a 'Show Properties' menu on right click in the OpenShift Explorer. Clicking on that menu opens the properties view
    • Not Yet Documented

      some time ago, I learnt by accident selected resources in the OpenShift Explorer are sync'ed with the properties view, when selected. Chances to discover that, for a new user are very very slim. I propose we add a more explicit show properties menu, when right-clicking on an openshift resource, that would force the properties view to display

            fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
            fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
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