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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-20372

Connection wizard: selecting Openshift v3 unchecks "Use default Server" but does not clear server url


      When creating a new OpenShift Application, if you select OpenShift 3, the "Use Default Server" checkbox is unchecked but the "Server" is not cleared, https://openshift.redhat.com which was set since the connection wizard defaults to v2 and openshift.redhat.com is the default server for v2, is not cleared.

      The default value for v3 should be empty, until Openshift 3 gets a public url.

      A default property could be set in https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-download.jboss.org/blob/master/jbosstools/configuration/ide-config.properties, then updated asynchronously without rebuilding the openshift plugin

            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
            fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
