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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-19827

Can't create OpenShift resources from dockerbuild or custombuild template in jbt


    • Sprint #4 May 2015

      Description of problem:
      We can create OpenShift resources from stibuild template, but we can't create resources from dockerbuild or custombuild template in jbt.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      openshift v0.5.1-230-g8bbf71f
      kubernetes v0.17.0-441-g6b6b47a
      jboss openshift-v3 version: 3.0.0.Beta1-v20150518-1846-B794

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1.Create a project in OpenShift
      $ osadm new-project test --admin=test

      2.Create stibuild,dockerbuild,custombuild template under the namespace
      $ osc create -f application-template-stibuild.json -n test
      $ osc create -f application-template-dockerbuild.json -n test
      $ osc create -f application-template-custombuild.json -n test

      3.Check all the template create successfully
      $ osc get template -n test
      ruby-helloworld-sample-1 This example shows how to create a simple ruby application in openshift origi... 5 (4 generated) 8
      ruby-helloworld-sample-2 This example shows how to create a simple ruby application in openshift origi... 5 (4 generated) 8
      ruby-helloworld-sample-3 This example shows how to create a simple ruby application in openshift origi... 5 (4 generated) 8

      4.Login the server in jbt.
      5.Create resouces from template in jbt
      1) In "OpenShift Explorer" right click the project
      2) "New"->"Application" open new application dialog
      3) Check all the templates can be list in new application dialog

      Actual results:
      5.3 In the dialog we can only list stibuild-template.

      Expected results:
      5.3 Should list all the templates in new application dialog

      Additional info:
      When we create two stibuild-template, they can all be listed in new application dialog.

            jcantril@redhat.com Jeffrey Cantrill
            deshuai_jira Ma Deshuai (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
