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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-19760

Add route support to OpenShift explorer


      Add support for viewing routes in OpenShiftExplorer and property pane

      steps to verify:

      1. ASSERT: have openshift origin cloned and available in your openshift server
      2. EXEC: in openshift server, cd to <origin>/examples/sample-app and do:
        osc process -f application-template-custombuild.json | osc create -f - -n test
      3. EXEC: once the build is finished: open up OpenShift explorer
      4. ASSERT: you should see an entry: "OpenShift 3 Sample"
      5. EXEC: unfold "OpenShift 3 Sample"
      6. ASSERT: have a child entry "Routes" with an entry "route-edge"
      7. ASSERT: make sure you have properties view opened
      8. ASSERT: the properties view is displaying properties for the selected route "route-edge"

            jcantril@redhat.com Jeffrey Cantrill
            jcantril@redhat.com Jeffrey Cantrill
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