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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-18843

Only one error/warning is displayed in DownloadRuntimesWizard on install/dl selection page


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      Open download runtimes wizard
      Go to page with download and installation location selection.
      In one textfield fill non writable path, to the second one fill non existing path.
      Expected: Both error&warning decorators and messages are shown, Finish button is disabled.
      Expected (v2): Error decorator and message are shown, Finish button is disabled
      Result: Warning decorator and message are shown, Finish button is enabled

      Open download runtimes wizard Go to page with download and installation location selection. In one textfield fill non writable path, to the second one fill non existing path. Expected: Both error&warning decorators and messages are shown, Finish button is disabled. Expected (v2): Error decorator and message are shown, Finish button is disabled Result: Warning decorator and message are shown, Finish button is enabled

      This is followup of JBIDE-17213.
      Now, when user sets up non writable install folder and non existing download folder (or the other way around), warning is displayed and Finish is enabled.
      Instead of this, error should be displayed and Finish button should be disabled. If it isn't possible to show both warning and error in the same time, I'd like to see errors prioritized before warnings (warning is shown when error is resolved).

            rob.stryker Rob Stryker (Inactive)
            rhopp@redhat.com Radim Hopp
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