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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-17989

keyword used for plugin tracking is missing majority of times on GA


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 4.3.0.CR1
    • None
    • usage
    • None

      looking at tracking numbers i'm seeing more and more requests where the keywords are not making it into the result.

      Meaning we can't see how many have installed the various plugins.

      What is weird some do and others do not have it.

      Need to track down the reason for that being missed.

        1. GA.png
          39 kB
          Alexey Kazakov
        2. newEvent.png
          112 kB
          Alexey Kazakov
        3. jbds.png
          46 kB
          Alexey Kazakov
        4. scr.png
          57 kB
          Alexey Kazakov
        5. devstudio-january.png
          34 kB
          Max Andersen
        6. graphformissingstats.png
          36 kB
          Max Andersen

            alexeykazakov Alexey Kazakov
            manderse@redhat.com Max Andersen
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
