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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-17974

Add contextual help to OpenShift modals


    • Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.)

      Many of the openshift modals do not provide contextual help that JBDS users expect throughout the application.

      Create OpenShift Application modal:
      Help button/Icon provided in bottom left of modal. Upon clicking, the help panel does not actually provide anything that helps the user understand what they need to do with the various screens throughout this wizard.

      The following OpenShift related dialogs do not provide a help icon/button at all and probably should:

      • Configure OpenShift Markers (right click project -> OpenShift -> Configure Markers...)
      • Domains (OpenShift Explorer pane -> right click OpenShift account -> Manage domains...)
      • SSH Keys (OpenShift Explorer pane -> right click OpenShift account -> Manage SSH keys...)

            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
            crobson@redhat.com Catherine Weeks
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