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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-17955

Application wizard: Opening quickstart link opens all previously selected quickstarts


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      EXEC: Open New application wizard
      EXEC: Expand Quickstarts
      EXEC: Click on several quickstarts (2 and more)
      EXEC: Click on a link in quickstart details

      EXPECTED RESULT: Web sites for the given quickstart is opened.
      RESULT: Web sites for all previously clicked and current quickstart are opened (if you click on 7 quickstart, then 7 web sites are opened - for each of them).

      EXEC: Open New application wizard EXEC: Expand Quickstarts EXEC: Click on several quickstarts (2 and more) EXEC: Click on a link in quickstart details EXPECTED RESULT: Web sites for the given quickstart is opened. RESULT: Web sites for all previously clicked and current quickstart are opened (if you click on 7 quickstart, then 7 web sites are opened - for each of them).

      In New application wizard Quickstarts contain details area. In this area is a link for each quickstart leading to website describing the given quickstart. After clicking on several quickstart (not links, just quickstarts in Tree) and then click on link, several web sites are opened (for each clicked quickstart).

            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
            mlabuda_jira Marián Labuda (Inactive)
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