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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-17527

revise Early Access disclaimer copy


    Copy needs a bit of a rewrite.


    Early Access Features
    Early Access features contains new functionality and fixes that are under development. You are encouraged to use these and give feedback but be aware: They are NOT officially supported, and NOT guaranteed to work correctly in your installation nor is it guaranteed it will end up in the final version. Use them at your own risk!
    [ ] I understand those conditions, and I still want to access Early Access features.


    Early Access features
    Early Access features contain new functionality and/or fixes that are under development. You are encouraged to use these features and to give feedback but be aware that these features are NOT officially supported, NOT guaranteed to work correctly, and subject to removal from JBoss Central at any time, for any reason. Use them at your own risk!
    [ ] I understand these conditions, and still want to enable Early Access features.

          fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
          nickboldt Nick Boldt
          0 Vote for this issue
          6 Start watching this issue
