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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-17152

Support multiple versions of jQuery in the jQuery Mobile Palette


      This to track JBDS-3016. Multiple versions of jQuery are expected to be supported.

      The palette currently includes 1.10.2, but users could expect multiple versions to be supported; jQM 1.4.2 supports jQuery Core 1.8 + and was tested on jQuery 2.0.3. Users not wanting to support MSIE 6-8 would already be on jQuery 2; this is especially true of Cordova.

      Thus, for a given version of jQueryMobile, at least two versions of jQuery can be recommended for use: a jQuery 1.x version and jQuery 2.x version. Generally, the Travis build file contains info on the versions tested for a jQM release (this is not wholly reliable, but is a good place to start).

      Note, in the near future (6-12 months), the following versions of jQuery are expected to be released:

      • 1.11.1 (might be released this week), 1.12 and probably 1.13
      • 2.1.1 (might be released this week), 2.2 and possibly 2.3.

      These may be tested to work with a version of jQueryMobile, at the point of a jQueryMobile release,

            alexeykazakov Alexey Kazakov
            vineet.reynolds_jira Vineet Reynolds (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
