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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-17076

Move 'externally managed' server setting into the launch config ui's


      I discussed JBIDE-7515 with Lucia Jelinkova and we have some suggestions.
      Right now the workflow is not optimal.
      Say you're a user and want to set up custom scripts for startup/shutdown with Deploy-only server. So you set up the server, open Server Editor, click Open launch config and realize you can't enter your scripts.
      You will see this message at the top:
      Your server is currently configured to ignore startup and shutdown actions.

      OK, so how do I change that? Perhaps I should go back to the server editor.
      It may or may not occur to me that it's the checkbox which reads Server is externally managed. Assume server is started. But in fact the server is shown as Stopped in server view, I'm confused. (Actually, I am not confused, I'm JBDS QA, so I know how this works. But your average user might be ).

      Perhaps such a checkbox could be placed in the launch config and not in the server editor, so when you open the launch config, you can start editing your script right away? Would that be possible? It could be called Enable Start and Stop Commands.

      Also, how are the command text fields disabled currently? Because it's not visible they are disabled unless you try to edit them. Isn't normally a disabled field grey-ish?

            rob.stryker Rob Stryker (Inactive)
            exd-mmalina Martin Malina
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