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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-16598

Application wizard: domains combo is not refreshed if I rename a domain via "Manage Domains"


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      1. ASSERT: Have connection with domain and no applications in OpenShift explorer.
      2. EXEC: Open context menu of domain and choose create new application
      3. EXEC: In right upper corner choose Manage Domains and rename domain to something else.
      4. ASSERT: In domain combo box in application wizard is till presented old domain name.

      1. ASSERT: Have connection with domain and no applications in OpenShift explorer. 2. EXEC: Open context menu of domain and choose create new application 3. EXEC: In right upper corner choose Manage Domains and rename domain to something else. 4. ASSERT: In domain combo box in application wizard is till presented old domain name.
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      refresh domain in OpenShift Explorer.

      refresh domain in OpenShift Explorer.
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      Domain is not refreshed after change of name. Altough there is old name of domain it uses the new one (application creation works - it use new domain).

            Unassigned Unassigned
            mlabuda_jira Marián Labuda (Inactive)
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