
      For JBIDE 4.1.1.Alpha1: Please perform the following tasks:

      0. If nothing has changed in your component since the least GA release on this branch, Reject this JIRA.


      0) Make sure your component(s) has no remaining jiras for 4.1.1.Alpha1 in jira.

      1) Make sure you component(s) version number has changed micro version if it had changes since 4.1.0 was released!

      You can use this to change it for a subtree:

       mvn org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:set-version -DnewVersion=<component-version>-SNAPSHOT

      2) Make sure your component uses 4.1.1.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT as the version for jboss tools parent.
      Should look something like this:


      3) Make sure your component builds and passes its tests when run locally.

      $ mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.31.0.Alpha1

      4) Make a branch for the Alpha1 builds to use.

      This would be made on jbosstools-4.1.x, thus the steps would be something like:

         $ git checkout jbosstools-4.1.x
         $ git pull origin jbosstools-4.1.x
         $ git checkout -b jbosstools-4.1.1.Alpha1x
         $ git push origin jbosstools-4.1.1.Alpha1x

      5) Resolve the jira related to branching for your component or comment on it why it can not be done.

      Search for all task JIRA, or Search for Aerogear task JIRA

            gercan@redhat.com Gorkem Ercan
            nickboldt Nick Boldt
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
