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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-14341

Add support for creating OpenShift Cartridges using JBoss Tools/Eclipse


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Optional Optional
    • LATER
    • None
    • openshift
    • None
    • High

      OpenShift is introducing a new v2 cartridge format to make it easier for users to create cartridges to add support for different languages, frameworks or runtimes to the OpenShift PaaS.

      This enhancement request is to create an Eclipse/JBoss Tools plugin to enable users to create these cartridges directly from their IDE. This plugin would have knowledge of the new v2 cartridge format and make it easier for users to create cartridges that they could use in OpenShift Origin community project, OpenShift Online Public PaaS or OpenShift Enterprise Private PaaS offerings.

      Some key information on the new OpenShift v2 cartridge format:

      -Currently planned for June OpenShift Online commercial launch and OpenShift Enterprise 1.2 release (~June). All current cartridges are being migrated to the new v2 cartridge format.

      -One of the core changes is allowing cartridges to run in userspace, so you don't need to be an admin to install them. That means that you can write and host a cartridge on GitHub/S3, etc and users can consume it from that URL. That is really the core feature of being able to start a cartridge ecosystem.

      -Modelled the v2 cartridge format around the DIY cartridges which have been pretty popular. Main goal there was to try and simplify, cleanup and better document the process. H

      -Here are some of the docs:

      Technical docs:

      Getting Started:

      If you are interested in tinkering, you can stand up an OpenShift Origin instance for local development (https://www.openshift.com/wiki/installing-openshift-origin-using-vagrant-and-puppet) or we will happily give anyone access to our Amazon development infrastructure as well - just let us know.

            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
            jofernan@redhat.com Joe Fernandes
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