
      The downloadRuntimes extension point allows plugins to simply contribute via xml what runtimes are to be exposed via the runtimes preference pages. This is not suitable enough, as it means all runtimes must either be declared in xml, or, available in a web file currently stored at http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/examples/download_runtimes.xml.

      These two should be unified to support an extension point plus API that allows for downloadRuntimeProviders, which may return any set of download runtimes.

      Callers of this may generate their list however they want, but, the suggested method would be by depending on jboss stacks and returning a list of runtimes from within the stacks yaml file that fit the component.

      So for example, ASTools should get a list of available runtimes from stacks with the "SERVER" type, whereas seam would similarly return those with an appropriate seam tag or label.

            fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
            manderse@redhat.com Max Andersen
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