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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-13723

Application wizard: "uncommitted changes" when merging ticket-monster with OpenShift application


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      • EXEC: git clone git://github.com/jboss-jdf/ticket-monster.git
      • EXEC: Import it to JBDS via Import - Maven - Existing Maven Project
      • ASSERT: Make sure the wizard detected ticket-monster application in /demo/pom.xml
      • EXEC: Create a new OpenShift application and try to merge it with ticket-monster
      • RESULT: Could not import project to the workspace.
        The project ticket-monster has uncommitted changes. Please commit those changes first.
      EXEC: git clone git://github.com/jboss-jdf/ticket-monster.git EXEC: Import it to JBDS via Import - Maven - Existing Maven Project ASSERT: Make sure the wizard detected ticket-monster application in /demo/pom.xml EXEC: Create a new OpenShift application and try to merge it with ticket-monster RESULT: Could not import project to the workspace. The project ticket-monster has uncommitted changes. Please commit those changes first.
    • Medium

      OpenShift wizard shows an error dialog with "Could not import project to the workspace." message:

      org.jboss.tools.openshift.express.internal.ui.UnCommittedChangesException: The project ticket-monster has uncommitted changes. Please commit those changes first.
      	at org.jboss.tools.openshift.express.internal.ui.wizard.application.importoperation.ConfigureGitSharedProject.execute(ConfigureGitSharedProject.java:101)
      	at org.jboss.tools.openshift.express.internal.ui.wizard.application.OpenShiftExpressApplicationWizardModel.configureGitSharedProject(OpenShiftExpressApplicationWizardModel.java:158)
      	at org.jboss.tools.openshift.express.internal.ui.wizard.application.OpenShiftExpressApplicationWizard$ImportJob.runInWorkspace(OpenShiftExpressApplicationWizard.java:319)
      	at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.InternalWorkspaceJob.run(InternalWorkspaceJob.java:38)
      	at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:53)

      Although git status says there nothing to commit:

      [sbunciak@dhcp-27-195 ticket-monster]$ git status
      # On branch master
      nothing to commit (working directory clean)

        1. out.ogv
          8.64 MB
        2. uncommitted-changes.png
          34 kB

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            sbunciak-rh Stefan Bunciak
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