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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-13405

Deploying a RAR with JAR inside fails using remote systems via SSH


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 4.1.1.CR1
    • 4.0.0.Final
    • server
    • None
    • Hide

      1) Create a maven project, set the packaging to rar
      2) Create a second maven project, set the packaging to jar
      3) Include the jar as a maven compile dependency of the rar
      4) Import both into eclipse
      5) Deploy to a remote (JBoss AS) server via RSE SSH/dstore/FTP fails

      1) Create a maven project, set the packaging to rar 2) Create a second maven project, set the packaging to jar 3) Include the jar as a maven compile dependency of the rar 4) Import both into eclipse 5) Deploy to a remote (JBoss AS) server via RSE SSH/dstore/FTP fails

      Exploding dependant jars seems to have issues for rars. I didn't work out if this is a problem in JBoss Tools or RSE. I suspect a little of both. It seems looking at the source that only the 'Local' RSE adapter correctly explodes deployments?

      1) Create a maven project, set the packaging to rar
      2) Create a second maven project, set the packaging to jar
      3) Include the jar as a maven compile dependency of the rar
      4) Import both into eclipse
      5) Deploy to a remote (JBoss AS) server via RSE SSH/dstore/FTP fails

      It seems the JBoss Server Adapter (I think) creates the directory:
      on deployment. It then requests upload for the jar over the top of the directory which fails. With FTP this looks like:
      CD xxxxx-1.0.rar/
      MKD xxxxx-1.0.jar
      STOR xxxxx-1.0.jar <fails because directory exists>

      This is my first bug opened on JBoss/eclipse, so please point me on if you think this should be opened on RSE, but I think looking at the source it belongs here.

            rob.stryker Rob Stryker (Inactive)
            night199uk_jira Chris Roberts (Inactive)
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