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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-12344

Eclipse 3.8: Rotate editor's icon is disabled when web page is opened.


      When a web page is opened in VPE in Eclipse 3.8 – Rotate editor's icon is disabled on the toolbar.

      There is a state while opening the page, when all the vpe toolbar items are disabled (just for 1 sec or less) but then they get enabled (except i18n icon). Rotate editor's icon still disabled after the page has been loaded and opened.

      While moving and clicking the cursor on the page the icon's state doesn't change on Windows, on Linux - it helped.
      On windows only after a click to the Package Explorer – the icon became enabled.

      So the problem probably is in the command refresh action.

            dmaliarevich_jira Denis Maliarevich (Inactive)
            dmaliarevich_jira Denis Maliarevich (Inactive)
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