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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-11953

UI challenges with "Configure maven repositories"


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • 3.3.0.CR1
    • None
    • maven
    • None

      Finally got to try out the "configure maven repositories" quickfixing for missing -redhat and .org dependencies.

      Some of this feels and works very "backwards" to me and not sure how to fix it yet so im going to list out the issues I found and we can split it up/add as subtasks afterwards.

      A) Both the "Configure Maven repositories" AND the "See how to setup XYZ repositories in your settings.xml".
      I think Very few would select the "Configure maven repositories" option over the more explanatory "See how to setup.." quickfix.
      Why do we need both ? Why move the link to the "configure maven repositories" and just let ocnfigure maven repositories know what kind of dependency we are looking for and adjust its UI based on it ?

      B) When using Configure Maven Repositiories not a single message or confirmation dialog is telling or asking that this is going to change settings.xml - that must be fixed.

      C) When doing the quickfix on a -redhat missing repository why do I as a user have to know I should ignore the long list of public repositories in here, incl. jboss.org which in case of -redhat we do not want to encourage users to use unless they really know what they are doing ?

      D) Recognize JBoss Maven Enterprise Repositories... (RJBMER) - If I point it to something that is not a repository it just ignores it and says nothing. Not even info on what it is actually looking for - I would expect it to say "Could not recognize this repository on disk since I could not find <xyz>. Do you still want to add this as Maven repository ?"

      E) RJBMER - if I add multiple EAP repositories they get added with the same name and thus you don't know which is which.

      F) when pressing finish no confirmation/no delta/no warning given when actually overwriting one of the possibly most important setting files on a developers machine.

      G) in the generated settings.xml existing <id>'s seem to be put at the end instaed of at the beginning - aren't ordering hornored in the serialization ?

      H) all comments are gone.

      I) it does not seem to activate/deactive the profiles - at least not listed in <activeProfiles>; so how are these fixes actually going to help ?

      J) naming seem to be based on some hardcoded constants with no option for users to influence them instead of just getting "jboss-eap-maven-repository.0"

      K) and couldn't the dialog actually tell me the repository i'm adding actually have the artifact I'm quickfixing for ?

            snjeza_jira Snjezana Peco (Inactive)
            manderse@redhat.com Max Andersen
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