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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-11602

Provide first class support for client side development


      Web application development is currently moving in many projects from end to end server side technologies to HTML5 RIA developed with REST Webservices/ Webscoket on serverside + pure client side technologies GUI (Backbone.js for example).

      Eclipse has been always been quite bad in the field of advanced Javascript development. JSDT was a good start, but its development has been stopped for a few years, and in its current status, it is not really a good tool for real HTML5/JS dev. From what I know, there is no roadmap for strong move on this field in the WTP team. The only real Eclipse initiative for client side development is Orion (http://www.eclipse.org/orion/) outside of the IDE.

      The only other alternative is Aptana Studio 3, acquired last year by AppAccelerator.

      My question is : is there any plan to consider client side development as a first class citizen in JBoss Studio, even if this question apply to the whole Eclipse Ecosystem ? Other IDE like Netbeans or IntelliJ Idea have a strong support for these technologies, and my guess is this lack may be a significant blocking point in the following years.

      Thanks in advance for your feedback.

        1. jbosstools-add-vjet-dependencies-patch.patch
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          Victor Rubezhny
        2. jquery.tagcanvas.min.js.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
        3. jquery-1.5.1.min.js.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
        4. nexj-JS-Content-Assist-On-a-JS-in-ticket-monster-project.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
        5. nexj-JS-Content-Assist-On-a-JS-in-ticket-monster-project-After-Insertion.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
        6. nexj-JS-Content-Assist-On-an-HTML-1-in-ticket-monster-project.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
        7. nexj-JS-Content-Assist-On-an-HTML-1-in-ticket-monster-project-After-Insertion.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
        8. nexj-JS-Content-Assist-On-an-HTML-2-1-in-ticket-monster-project.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
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          Victor Rubezhny
        10. nexj-JS-Content-Assist-On-an-HTML-2-2-in-ticket-monster-project.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
        11. nexj-JS-Content-Assist-On-an-HTML-2-2-in-ticket-monster-project-After-Insertion.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
        12. nexj-JS-Content-Assist-On-Any-JS-in-ticket-monster-project.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
        13. nexj-JS-Content-Assist-On-Any-JS-in-ticket-monster-project.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
        14. nexj-JS-Content-Assist-On-Any-JS-in-ticket-monster-project-After-Insertion.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
        15. vjet-JS-Content-Assist-On-a-JS-in-ticket-monster-project.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
        16. vjet-JS-Content-Assist-On-a-JS-in-ticket-monster-project-After-Insertion.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
        17. vjet-JS-Content-Assist-On-Any-JS-in-ticket-monster-project.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
        18. vjet-JS-Content-Assist-On-Any-JS-in-ticket-monster-project-After-Insertion.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
        19. vjet-JS-Content-Assist-On-HTML-1-in-ticket-monster-project.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
        20. vjet-JS-Content-Assist-On-HTML-1-in-ticket-monster-project-After-Insertion.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
        21. vjet-JS-Content-Assist-On-HTML-2-1-in-ticket-monster-project.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
        22. vjet-JS-Content-Assist-On-HTML-2-1-in-ticket-monster-project-After-Insertion.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
        23. vjet-JS-Content-Assist-On-HTML-2-2-in-ticket-monster-project.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny
        24. vjet-JS-Content-Assist-On-HTML-2-2-in-ticket-monster-project-After-Insertion.jpg
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          Victor Rubezhny

            vrubezhny Victor Rubezhny (Inactive)
            bouiaw Sebastien Deleuze (Inactive)
            1 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
