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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-10039

Project configuration is not up-to-date with pom.xml. Run project configuration update


      This message shows up in the Problems view after selecting Java EE 6 Enterprise Application from JBoss Central and successfully completing the wizard. This message basically means "go to Maven->Update Project Configuration but it does not say that, plus the refresh of the project should have happened automatically.

      And this Update Project Configuration sometimes errors.

      See screenshots

        1. EE6_EAR_Update_Project_Configuration.png
          57 kB
          Burr Sutter
        2. 1.png
          30 kB
          Burr Sutter
        3. 2.png
          52 kB
          Burr Sutter
        4. 3.png
          161 kB
          Burr Sutter
        5. 4.png
          58 kB
          Burr Sutter

            fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
            bsutter@redhat.com Burr Sutter
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            3 Start watching this issue
