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  1. Application Server 3 4 5 and 6
  2. JBAS-7024

results of list*Messages methods of Queues and Topics have wrong meta type definition


      The MessageListMapper used to define the meta types on list*Messages() methods for Queues and Topics advertises that the resulting type will be:

      CollectionMetaType[ImmutableCompositeMetaType["JMSMessageID" = SimpleMetaType.STRING, "JMSCorrelationID" = SimpleMetaType.STRING, "JMSTimestamp" = SimpleMetaType.LONG]]

      however the meta type of the actual meta values obtained using collectionValue.getElements() is advertised as:

      MapCompositeValue[ImmutableCompositeMetaType["JMSMessageID" = SimpleMetaType.STRING, "JMSCorrelationID" = SimpleMetaType.STRING, "JMSTimestamp" = SimpleMetaType.LONG]]

      This discrepancy is affecting the admin console, Jopr and JON because the meta values values have different type than the advertised meta type.

            starksm64 Scott Stark (Inactive)
            rhn-engineering-lkrejci Lukas Krejci
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue
