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  1. Application Server 3 4 5 and 6
  2. JBAS-656

HA-JNDI not replicating bindings



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Major
    • JBossAS-4.0.4.CR2
    • JBossAS-3.2.6 Final
    • Clustering
    • None


      SourceForge Submitter: mdaleiden .
      I have two machines clustered using JBoss 3.2.2RC1.
      One is Windoze 2000 and one is HP/UX. Clustering and
      farming are working fine (nodes see each other, the
      partition manager reports the existence of both
      members, and modules are correctly farmed between the
      two nodes).

      My problem is that the HA-JNDI does not appear to be
      working as expected. The following code creates the
      initial context for the HA-JNDI:

      Properties jndiProps = new Properties();
      (Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.jnp.interfaces
      (Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.in
      jndiProps.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "");
      jndiProps.put("jnp.partitionName", "DefaultPartition");

      Then, I have code that binds new objects into the HA-
      JNDI tree during server startup (custom MBeans perform
      this binding operation on startup), using the node name
      as part of the name for the object:

      String hostName = InetAddress.getLocalHost
      String key = "jmx/device/" + hostName + "/xxxxxx";
      Util.rebind(jndiContext, key, obj);

      No exceptions or errors are reported by this code when
      binding objects to the HA-JNDI tree from both nodes, so
      I surmised that the objects were successfully bound.

      In my application, I then use the following code to list
      the contents of the HA-JNDI tree (using the same
      context as described above):

      for (NamingEnumeration enumObj = jndiContext.list
      ("jmx/device"); enumObj.hasMore() {
      NameClassPair ncHandle = (NameClassPair)enumObj.next
      System.out.println("Found context: 'jmx/device/' +
      ncHandle.getName() + "'...");

      Depending on which server the app is run from (winnode
      or hpnode), the above code shows only the bindings for
      that server. For example, if I run the app from winnode,
      the output shows as follows:

      "Found context: 'jmx/device/winnode'..."

      If run from hpnode, it shows:

      "Found context: 'jmx/device/hpnode'..."

      It should show the following, since both nodes are up
      and running and objects have been registered on both
      nodes using the HA-JNDI context:

      "Found context: 'jmx/device/winnode'..."
      "Found context: 'jmx/device/hpnode'..."

      So, I'm a bit confused as to why the objects bound into
      HA-JNDI by one server are not being seen by the other
      server when the HA-JNDI tree is queried.

      Well, I found part of the problem. It appears that you
      must be careful with JNDI context names. The local JNDI
      already contains a top-level context named jmx, which
      confuses the HA-JNDI logic. The logic first scans the HA-
      JNDI for the context and, when it does not initially find
      it, it performs a lookupLocally, which finds the local JNDI
      context. From that point on, it binds the remaining
      subcontexts to the local JNDI context, instead of the HA-
      JNDI context.

      When I changed the naming of the HA-JNDI context so
      that it uses a unique top-level context, HA-JNDI appears
      to create the appropriate subcontexts in the HA-JNDI
      tree, as well as bind the object to the lowest-level
      subcontext. However, the list function still only shows
      the objects that are bound from the local server.

      I turned up the logging for the cluster components and
      observed that the correct calls (HAJNDI._rebind()) were
      being propagated across the cluster to the various HA-
      JNDI instances in order to replicate the bindings, but as I
      noted, the bindings do not seem to be replicated at all.

      I further tried to reduce the number of variables by
      clustering two Windows machines that are on the same
      subnet (to eliminate any potential multicast propagation
      and firewall issues), but received the exact same result.




            jerrygauth Jerry Gauthier (Inactive)
            sourceforge-user SourceForge legacy user (Inactive)
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