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  1. Application Server 3 4 5 and 6
  2. JBAS-3748

Allow bin/run.sh to run in the background and stop jboss, when stopped.


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • JBossAS-4.0.5.GA
    • JBossAS-4.0.5.CR1
    • None
    • None

      I want to write an init.d script with the typical start - stop options to start JBossAS. I want to use the method of writing a pid file when started and killing the pid found in the file when stopping.

      I do not want to use the "normal" shutdown mechanism to stop it because that assumes the JBoss instance has exposed its remote MBean interface (and I do not want to assume that). Plus, I want to ensure it is killed, and using the "kill" command is as fool-proof as I need it to be.

      I also want to be able to use run.sh to start the instance (I do not want to have to do all the work run.sh does - setting up the JVM, passing in arguments, worrying about all the cygwin - darwin things, etc. etc.).

      But, if my init.d script starts run.sh, I cannot use $! in my init.d script as the pid file contents because $! is the pid of run.sh script process. It is NOT the pid of the JBoss JVM instance itself. If I then go to kill the run.sh process, it dies, but the JVM process does not. Therefore, the init.d stop option does not work - it cannot stop the JBoss VM.

      I would like to propose to make the following change to run.sh that would facilitate this. This change is backwards compatible. What this change does is - if I set the environment variable "LAUNCH_JBOSS_IN_BACKGROUND" and source run.sh, run.sh will export JBOSS_PID as the pid value of the JVM process. My init.d script (the thing that sources run.sh) will be able to write JBOSS_PID anywhere I want and thus later be able to use it to kill the JBoss VM.

      See attached patch for the change.

        1. patch.txt
          1 kB
        2. patch-pidfile.txt
          1 kB
        3. run.sh.patch
          2 kB

            dandread1@redhat.com Dimitrios Andreadis
            jmazzitelli John Mazzitelli
            1 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
