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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-819

Deadlock detection seem to not detect deadlock case between two nodes on the same cache.


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      1/ Launch two times the program TwoNodesDeadlocks.java.
      2/ The program will wait that two nodes to be launched.
      3/ Each node will print that deadlock detection is activated.
      4/ Each node will try to perform hundred times get and put operations on the same key in a transaction.
      5/ deadlock occurs.

      1/ Launch two times the program TwoNodesDeadlocks.java. 2/ The program will wait that two nodes to be launched. 3/ Each node will print that deadlock detection is activated. 4/ Each node will try to perform hundred times get and put operations on the same key in a transaction. 5/ deadlock occurs.

      after activating deadlock detection with 500 ms of spin duration, i launch a classic deadlock scenario.
      Node 1 acquire local lock.
      Node 1 try to acquire cluster wide lock.
      Node 2 acquire local lock.
      Node 2 try to acquire cluster wide lock.
      Then deadlock is not detected and the TimeoutException occurs:
      org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Unable to acquire lock after [20 seconds] on key [counter_key] for requestor [DldGlobalTrans

      {coinToss=3136454835479173852, isMarkedForRollback=false, lockIntention=counter_key, affectedKeys=[counter_key], locksAtOrigin=[]}

      alTransaction:<nodeDeadLock-11465>:5:local]! Lock held by [DldGlobalTransaction

      {coinToss=3164596253027655679, isMarkedForRollback=false, lock Intention=null, affectedKeys=[], locksAtOrigin=[]}


      I give my configuration file for ISPN and a Class TwoNodesDeadlocks.java to reproduce the problem.

        1. AgentManager_InfiniSpan_Config_Generic.xml
          3 kB
          Thomas Jean
        2. log4j_Generic.properties
          0.3 kB
          Thomas Jean
        3. nodeDeadLock-43429.log
          11 kB
          Thomas Jean
        4. nodeDeadLock-45547.log
          7 kB
          Thomas Jean
        5. TwoNodesDeadlocks.java
          3 kB
          Thomas Jean
        6. ThreeNodesDeadlocks.java
          3 kB
          Thomas Jean

            mircea.markus Mircea Markus (Inactive)
            thom28 Thomas Jean (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
