
    • Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • 3.x Future
    • 2.20.0.Final
    • Scaffold
    • None

      agoncal Last week I gave 2 talks only in Forge and 2 talks on CDI using Forge
      agoncal The interesting feedbacks I had were :
      agoncal * not enough scaffolding strategy
      agoncal As we've already talked, being able to scaffold different architecture is important
      gastaldi yes
      agoncal But also (and that was an interesting feedback) having more "business" scaffolding
      gastaldi you mean scaffolding for a homegrown architecture?
      gastaldi what do you mean?
      agoncal Typically, you want to scaffold an app, you go faces-scaffold
      agoncal But if you want an app with login, you could go faces-scaffold --with-login
      agoncal (that's a common use case)
      agoncal And the good old shopping cart came along :
      agoncal faces-scaffold --with-shopping-cart
      agoncal And of course :
      gastaldi hm
      agoncal faces-scaffold --with-shopping-cart --with-login
      gastaldi this looks very specific
      agoncal The idea is to be able to scaffold common use case (a bit like what you did with generating design patterns, but in a larger scale)
      gastaldi interesting
      gastaldi maybe we could split these use cases into scripts
      gastaldi run shopping-cart-faces.sh
      agoncal Yes. In fact what Forge does is generate a CRUD app based on Entities, but that could be just another option :
      agoncal faces-scaffold --with-crud
      agoncal Yes but how do we integrate it nicelly in the top menu bar ?
      gastaldi or something like: faces-scaffold --featuring LOGIN, SHOPPING_CART, CRUD
      agoncal Yes, "feature" is good naming
      agoncal And features would be available for a specific scaffolding :
      agoncal faces-scaffold --featuring LOGIN, SHOPPING_CART, CRUD
      gastaldi and we can make that pluggable
      agoncal rest-scaffold --featuring LOGIN, SECURITY

            Unassigned Unassigned
            agoncal Antonio Goncalves (Inactive)
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