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  1. Forge
  2. FORGE-1384

forge2: add description text & example panels to "Forge Run Command" dialog


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Obsolete
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 2.0.0.Beta3
    • UI - Eclipse
    • None

      There is currently a tooltip, but it does not add really add much to what could be gained from the command name!

      It might be a good idea to have a variable sized scrollable text panel in the bottom half to give a more detailed explanation. As a suitable explanation might range from a single sentence to several paragraphs (in the later case, the first para should be short summary that might be enough to more experienced people). It is important to explain why & when you would want to use the command, as well as what it does. Probably a good idea to say what files it creates and/or modifies...

      Plus a second panel for examples, the examples may be in a tree structure, when there is more than one available. Each example would have:
      (1) short descriptive name
      (2) brief description of what it sets out to achieve and how
      (3) the example code itself, along with appropriate comments

      An unexpanded leaf will have (1) & as much of (2) as can fit on the rest of the line. When a leaf is expanded then the full detail will be available. In rare cases you might need several levels to group related examples together.

      The target audience will consist of people who are totally new to Forge and to JEE, to those people with considerable related experience, as well as experienced developers from other areas (For example I started with FORTRAN & COBOL over 40 years ago, and have been doing Java for over 10 years, but relatively inexperienced in JEE).

            Unassigned Unassigned
            nivag064 Gavin Flower (Inactive)
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