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  1. Red Hat Developer Website
  2. DEVELOPER-3495

Implement landing alert message on RHD when redirected from jboss.org

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    • IMPL: 2016-09-19, IMPL: 2016-10-03, IMPL: 2016-10-31, IMPL: 2016-11-14, IMPL: 2016-11-28


      Whenever the query parameter `?referrer=jbd` is present in the URL on RHD, we need to display an alert message that informs the user they have been redirected from jboss.org, and why. This applies to every page on the RHD site, not just the product pages that are currently redirected.

      The alert should be displayed directly under the page header. For example:

      Page Banner Location
      http://developers.redhat.com/ Below the five promos but above the "COOL STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW..." text.
      http://developers.redhat.com/downloads/ Below the 'DOWNLOADS' title, but above the 'MOST POPULAR' text
      http://developers.redhat.com/containers/ Below the 'Containers: Containerize your apps (without constraining yourself)' title section, but above the blue, orange an grep boxes
      http://developers.redhat.com/community/contributor/ Below the blue header section and above the 'Welcome to Red Hat Developers Content Contributors' text
      http://developers.redhat.com/quickstarts/eap/kitchensink-ml-ear/index.html Below the 'kitchensink-ml-ear: Localized Version of the kitchensink-ear Quickstart' title and above the grey box

      Design: http://design.jboss.org/redhatdeveloper/website/redhatdeveloper_2_0/pages/images/RHD_alertstyle_r3v1.png

      Definition of Done

      1. When is user is redirected from jboss.org the following message is displayed to the user. To test, use this URL: http://www.jboss.org/products/eap/
      • "You have been redirected from JBoss.org to Red Hat Developers.
        It’s true — JBoss Developer and Red Hat Developers are one and the same, and you can find all the great stuff you were looking for right here on developers.redhat.com."
      1. Check other pages, by adding `?referrer=jbd` to the URL. E.g: http://developers.redhat.com/?referrer=jbd and http://developers.redhat.com/downloads/?referrer=jbd




            ldary24 Luke Dary
            lincolnthree Lincoln Baxter III (Inactive)
            rhn-support-ceverson Clark Everson


