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  1. Application Server 7
  2. AS7-6120 Expand support for System Property substitution
  3. AS7-3772

Regularize expression handling in the interface resources


      The interface resource code predates the evolution of the AttributeDefinition classes. Convert it over to that and make sure the xml parsers, operation step handlers and ParsedInterfaceCriteria follow the standard practices. Basically,

      1) Use AD.parseAndSet() in the parsers. This will ensure parsing any criteria type that supports expressions will result in values of type EXPRESSION if appropriate.
      2) Use AD.validateAndSet() in the MODEL stage of the OSH. This will ensure reading in input values from the CLI/console etc for any criteria type that supports expressions will result in values of type EXPRESSION if appropriate.
      3) Pass the OperationContext into ParsedInterfaceCriteria and use AD.resolveModelAttribute() for resolution.
      4) Get the calls to ModelNode.resolve() out of the InterfaceCriteria implementations. By the time those classes see a value it should already be resolved.

      This may not be entirely possible, as interface criteria as a bit unusual types of attributes. But the general intent here should be followed.

            bstansbe@redhat.com Brian Stansberry
            bstansbe@redhat.com Brian Stansberry
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