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  1. Arquillian
  2. ARQ-996 Provide an Arquillian Bundle suitable for Fedora
  3. ARQ-997

Provide Arquillian Core functionality as OSGi Bundle


      (10:06:40 AM) tdiesler: mgoldmann, lets talk about the individual sub task. Embedded ARQ Core functionality for example. Instead of embedding the jars arq-osgi could include the *.class files. I suppose that is equally unacceptable, right?
      (10:07:22 AM) akurtakov: tdiesler: if they are not built from source yes
      (10:07:27 AM) mgoldmann: yes, classes are unpcettable too, you can embed what you just build (arq-osgi jars)
      (10:08:19 AM) tdiesler: mgoldmann, but arq core was build by some other process - noi?
      (10:08:53 AM) mgoldmann: yes, so we cannot embed it
      (10:09:13 AM) mgoldmann: but we can bundle arq-core in a jar at the time of building arq-core
      (10:09:15 AM) tdiesler: mgoldmann, that process could make an aggregated bundle that arq-osgi could use (i.e. import packages from)

            rhn-engineering-mgoldman Marek Goldmann
            tdiesler@redhat.com Thomas Diesler
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
