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  1. Arquillian
  2. ARQ-634

Servlet 2.5 support on Servlet 3.0 containers


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      Manually downgrade the Servlet protocol to 2.5 by defining the @OverProtocol("Servlet 2.5") on the @Deployment

      @Deployment @OverProtocol("Servlet 2.5")
      public static WebArchive myDeployment() { ... }
      Manually downgrade the Servlet protocol to 2.5 by defining the @OverProtocol("Servlet 2.5") on the @Deployment @Deployment @OverProtocol( "Servlet 2.5" ) public static WebArchive myDeployment() { ... }

      In a Servlet Container that is defined to use the Servlet 3.0 protocol, but the user defined deployment use a web.xml set to 2.5, the Arquillian Servlet which is added as a web-fragment.xml in the Servlet 3.0 impl will be ignored and Arquillian can not find itself.

      The Servlet Protocol could possible check the web.xml defined in @Deployment to determine which Servlet Protocol version to use. Meaning the Servlet 3.0 impl can downgrade to Servlet 2.5 in the packaging process.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            aslak@redhat.com Aslak Knutsen
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