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  1. Arquillian
  2. ARQ-591

Create extension for running JavaScript unit tests by Drone


      This extension can handle several JS unit testing libraries,

      but at initial point, I suggest to go with QUnit [1].

      At first, extension needs to go through available test definitions
      and prepare list of tests to provide it to test runner (JUnit/TestNG).

      At second, test needs to open tested page by Selenium (Drone).
      It would be necessary to run tests by several particular browser brands (HtmlUnit, Firefox, IE, ...).

      QUnit tests are traditionally at once - you open the page and all tests are ran.
      Then runner needs to collect all the results OR it can force QUnit to run only one test at time.

      [1] http://docs.jquery.com/Qunit

            aemmanou Tolis Emmanouilidis (Inactive)
            lfryc Lukáš Fryč (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
