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  1. Arquillian
  2. ARQ-569

Archive for remote GF-3.1 should not be saved to disk prior to deployment


      When I build the deployment archive, it is saved it /tmp/ARCHIVE_FILENAME (I'm running on GNU/Linux box) with chmod 444 (rrr-). If I run the glassfish server as a root or as the same user as the maven than there is no problem. But actually I run a Jenkins build task (user: jenkins) and run the server as another user (user: pedro).

      In such case, the Arquillian remote tests fail because the Glassfish cannot use the /tmp/ARCHIVE_FILENAME (permission denied). If you change the chmod and give others the write permission - it will work fine.

      Aslak suggested avoiding the FileDataBodyPart during deployment.

            PedroKowalski Piotr Nowicki (Inactive)
            PedroKowalski Piotr Nowicki (Inactive)
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