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  1. Arquillian
  2. ARQ-2115

Create Arquillian adapter for WebSphere 9


      Hi, guys,

      I have created the Arquillian adapter for WebSphere 9. Here is the summary of the PR [1]:

      #### Short description of what this resolves:
      Hi, guys,

      my name is Marian Macik and I work at Red Hat as QE Engineer on jBPM project. This PR introduces Arquillian container adapter for WebSphere 9. We have been using it at Red Hat in our QE automation for about two months without any issues. It is copied from adapter for WebSphere 8.5 (as WebSphere 8.5 was copied from WebSphere 8). There were only some minor changes when it comes to system paths pointing at WebSphere dependencies (jgss-provider and ws-admin-client).

      However, since WebSphere 9, wsadmin is using jython27 by default. Jython21 is still supported and to use jython21, 'com.ibm.ws.admin.client.forJython21_9.0.jar' should be used. Moreover, the new wsadmin jar has additional libraries which are not used by Arquillian (such as Python JSR 223 implementation) and might cause issues when deploying and running tests. If this happens, simply override this property with jython21 jar:


      I added this property because the new jython27 wsadmin implementation was causing issues since it loaded unwanted classes on the classpath. Of course, by default the new jython27 wsadmin is used, override is optional.

      I have also run the enclosed tests with my own arquillian.xml and they have passed.



      [1] https://github.com/arquillian/arquillian-container-was/pull/29

            gpoul_jira Gerhard Poul (Inactive)
            mmacik@redhat.com Marian Macik
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
