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  1. Arquillian
  2. ARQ-1533

Uninstall packages from device before test when they are already installed


      Given: Android device prior to test.
      When: I run test with packages to be installed which are already in Android device.
      I expect: old packages will be uninstalled and packages from current test run will be installed

      This situation can happen if something really horrible happens and whole test fails in the middle so packages are not uninstalled (Selendroid server and ordinary apks as well). When I run tests for the second time, I want that packages will be removed and installed once again to get them fresh.

      Example: We could use different rebuilt Selendroid server which has the same package name but it is rebuilt for another application.

            smikloso Stefan Miklosovic (Inactive)
            smikloso Stefan Miklosovic (Inactive)
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