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  1. Arquillian
  2. ARQ-1332

Should be able to script data in the data sets


      The DataSet represents a collection of tables (rows) used to seed the database. However it's static nature is not sufficient in many cases. Imagine testing time sensitive data. It could be really handy to have possibility of defining date as "three days from today" or having current time by simply invoking "now()" function. With the power of a scripting language at your disposal it should be achieved very easy.

      The goal of this project is to extend the Arquillian Persistence Extension usage of DBUnit and introduce the concept ScriptableDataSet. By leveraging "Scripting for the Java Platform" (JSR 223) introduced in JDK 6 we can use plethora of languages to add dynamic flavor to our data driven tests.

      Supporting a script location (and perhaps even a function in that script file) might be a nice addition as well. That externalizes the code and allows for reuse.

      As a starting point groovy can be considered.

            bartosz-1 Bartosz Majsak
            bartosz-1 Bartosz Majsak
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