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  1. Arquillian
  2. ARQ-1209

Abbreviate WebDriver configuration property browserCapabilities as browser



      In order to save typing and make the WebDriver configuration more readable
      As a tester
      I want to be able to configure the browser using the property name "browser" instead of "browserCapabilities"


      Given I want to use the FirefoxDriver when running my Drone WebDriver tests
      When I set the browser (e.g., firefox) in the WebDriver configuration property named "browser"
      Then Drone should interpret the value of that property as the browserCapabilities
      ; And Drone should select and initialize the FirefoxDriver
      ; And Drone should inject the FirefoxDriver into the @Drone injection point in the test

      Given I want to use the FirefoxDriver when running my Drone WebDriver tests
      : And I have an existing Drone WebDriver configuration
      When I set the browser (e.g., firefox) in the WebDriver configuration property named "browserCapabilities"
      Then Drone should interpret the value of that property as the browserCapabilities
      ; And Drone should select and initialize the FirefoxDriver
      ; And Drone should inject the FirefoxDriver into the @Drone injection point in the test


      While browserCapabilities is the official name for specifying the browser by its coordinates name, version and platform, we need not expose this formality to our users. We can honor both names for this property, perhaps throwing an exception if both are present. Once we sort that out, we should propose another scenario to cover it.

            kpiwko Karel Piwko
            dan.j.allen Dan Allen (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
